The company LOUIS PARIS is registered in the trade and company register of Paris as an EURL, Siret : 830 441 143 00013 Code NAF : 4616z - Référence INSEE C75017523356.
The head office is located at 5 rue du château d’eau, 75010 PARIS, France. Tel: +33 1 80 06 25 95 / 06 64 86 08 03. E-mail:
It is managed by Miss Eloïse Laubez.
The website has been developed using Prestashop software. It is hosted by the company One & One
LOUISE PARIS is a registered trademark, registered with the INPI (French intellectual property office) and is a protected domain name.
The purchaser has a right to access, modify , rectify or delete data. To exercise this right, the purchaser should contact LOUISE PARIS via the identification page accessible with his e-mail address and password.
No one is authorized to reproduce, use, circulate or otherwise employ (in any form, even partially) the constituent features of the website, whether visual or audible. Any simple or hypertext link to the website is strictly forbidden, unless agreed in advance in writing by LOUISE PARIS. The use or reproduction of the brands featured on the site is strictly forbidden.
Consequently the copying or use of any of the brands sold or presented, and any parasitism derived from the use of the site will automatically result in legal action and the appropriate sanctions.
This website has been registered to the CNIL (Commission Nationale de Informatique et des Libertes). The CNIL governs the processing of personal data - also held overseas - carried out by anyone who is domiciled or has registered offices in France. In conformity with the data protection law of January 6, 1978, named personal information concerning purchasers may be processed by automated means.
LOUISE PARIS reserves the right to collect information concerning purchasers. Purchasers may oppose the divulgence of their contact details by informing LOUISE PARIS of their objections.
Similarly, users have a right to access and rectify any data concerning them in accordance with the law. Immediately upon request from a purchaser, LOUISE PARIS agrees to delete all contact details and information regarding the said purchaser from its database. The data collected may not be used for any commercial purpose other than that concerning or mentioned on the site and those which may subsequently be developed by LOUISE PARIS.
Design of the website : Eloïse Laubez.
I found on tumblr the lovely pictures of the footer and the category pages. If they belong to you and you don't want me to use them or would like me to mention the photo credit please contact me / tel 06 64 86 08 03, I'll be happy to oblige. Thanks anyway and congrats for your talent!
Enjoy your visit !